Appeal a school place decision

How to appeal

There is a two-step process to appealing:

  1. complete the appeal enquiry form below
  2. you will then receive an email with a link to complete your appeal form online

You must follow both steps in the process above to submit your appeal online. Completing the enquiry form alone is not considered an appeal.

Most schools in Lincolnshire accept our appeal form. You must clearly state your reasons for your appeal on the form and provide any supporting evidence.

You must put your child's name on anything you send us so we know who it is for. You can submit more information later on if you need to.

You need to send any supporting evidence you wish to be considered in advance of the appeal hearing. We may blank out other people's faces or personal details on documents you send to us.

For schools that have their own appeal forms, you will need to send any supporting evidence directly to them.

Schools which have their own appeal forms and do not accept our appeal form are: